Section 1. What do we do at school? - Биболетова, Денисенко, Трубанева 4 класс (ответы)

1. Заполни горизонтальные ряды клеток словами. Подобрать слова тебе помогут предложения. Если всё сделано правильно, то в выделенных клетках у тебя получится ещё одно слово

1) There is a short break between the first and the second lessons

2) Students learn English poems by heart

3) My little sister likes to ask silly questions

4) Jim can count from 1 to 10

5) They flied a kite last Sunday

6) There are five textbooks and seven workbooks in my bag

7) “Will you open the window, please,” said the teacher

8) I like to answer the teacher’s questions in the English lesson

9) My friend will read this text tomorrow

10) Students like to discuss different problems in the lesson

b r e a k
l e a r n
a s k
c o u n t
k i t e
b a g
o p e n
a n s w e r
r e a d
d i s c u s s


2. Заполни таблицу. Напиши, что обычно ты делаешь на уроках английского и русского языка. Подчеркни одинаковые действия

read, write Russian words, speak Russian, listen to the teacher, learn new words and rules, ask and answer the questions, do what the teacher says, answer the teacher’s questions, do many exercises speak English, count English, write new English words, listen to the teacher, sing English songs, learn English poems, learn new words, ask questions, answer the teacher’s questions, say “Good morning! to the teacher”, translate from English into Russian, learn by heart, read English

3. Выбери правильное слово. Обведи соответствующую букву

1) In the lesson we … the teacher’s questions

a) asked b) answered c) said

2) Can you … from English into Russian?

a) read b) translate c) tell

3) Do you … your homework every day?

a) make b) write c) do

4) There is a short … between the first and the second lesons

a) hour b) break c) time

5) They will learn this poem by ….

a) hand b) heart c) head

4. Прочитай предложения из письма мисс Чэттер её подруге. Употреби глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной форме

Yesterday my pupils had three lessons

They counted flowers and played computer games

During the second break they ate bananas and chocolate, drank orange juice

The first lesson was Maths

My pupils had English in the second lesson

During the third lesson my pupils sang a lovely English song and drew pictures

They spoke English, copied new words, asked and answered the questions

My pupils had a good time at school

5. Расставь (пронумеруй) предложения в упражнении 4 так, чтобы получился связный рассказ

1. Yesterday my pupils had three lessons

3. They counted flowers and played computer games

6. During the second break they ate bananas and chocolate, drank orange juice

2. The first lesson was Maths

4. My pupils had English in the second lesson

7. During the third lesson my pupils sang a lovely English song and drew pictures

5. They spoke English, copied new words, asked and answered the questions

8. My pupils had a good time at school

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