Section 3. Shopping for food - Биболетова, Денисенко, Трубанева 4 класс (ответы)

13. Найди и обведи знакомые тебе названия продуктов питания

Egg, tomato, juice, chocolate, meat, ham, cheese, sugar, porridge, fish, milk, soup, apple, corn, orange, cake

14. Напиши словосочетания

1) a glass of water

2) a cup of coffee

3) a bottle of milk

4) a box of chocolates

5) a bag of oranges

6) a bag of sweets

15. Переведи на английский язык

1) чашка чая – a cup of tea

2) коробка конфет – a box of sweets

3) стакан молока – a glass of milk

4) пакет конфет – a bag of sweets

5) бутылка сока – a bottle of juice

6) кусочек торта – a piece of cake

16. Напиши, что ты хотел бы и чего не хотел бы есть на завтрак, обед, ужин

I’d likeI wouldn’t like
breakfast a piece of cheese, a cup of tea with sugar and porridge with butter fish, a glass of water, a box of chocolates
lunch a plate of soup, two pieces of bread, meat with potatoes, a cup of tea and an orange toasts, porridge, a cup of coffee, cabbage and corn
dinner fish, a glass of juice, a piece of cake and a banana a plate of soup, tomatoes, a glass of milk and bread with butter

17.Заполни пропуски словами: some, any, no

1) There is no juice in the glass

2) Would you like some orange juice? – No, thank you. I don’t want any

3) Are there any people on the farm? – Yes, there are some

4) They have some bread at home

5) Can I have some tea?

18. Вставь пропущенные предлоги

on (x 2), under, of, in, for

1) There were some sweets and a box of chocolates on the table

2) Is there any coffee in the cup? – Yes, there is some

3) What can I do for you?

4) He had a new suit and new shoes on yesterday

5) There were mittens and boots under the armchair

19. Впиши недостающие реплики диалога

Shop assistant: Hello! Can I help you?

Alice: Do you have oranges and bananas?

Shop assistant: Yes, we do. We have a lot of oranges and bananas

Alice: They are nice. Is there any juice?

Shop assistant: We have apple and tomato juice

Alice: I’d like tomato juice

Shop assistant: Anything else?

Alice: That’s all

Shop assistant: Thank you. Bye-bye

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