Test yourself 2 - Биболетова, Денисенко, Трубанева 4 класс (ответы)

1.Составь словосочетания и напиши, в какой комнате ты выполняешь эти действия.

a) wash - my face and hands

have - breakfast

watch - TV

go - to bed

do - my homework

b) I have breakfast in the kitchen.

I wash my face and hands in the bathroom.

I watch TV in the living room.

I go to bed in the bedroom.

I do my homework in my own room.

2. Посмотри на картинки и помоги Тайни найти, где спрятались его друзья. Обведи нужный предлог.

1) Jack is on / under the sofa.

2) Billy is under / above the table.

3) Martin is behind / between the chair and the armchair.

4) Rocky is above / under the table.

5) Wendy is under / behind the armchair.

6) Dino is next to / above the clock.

3. Прочитай предложения и вставь is или are.

1) There is a kitchen and three bedrooms in the house.

2) There is no picture in the hall.

3) Is there a pantry in the house? - Yes, there are two pantries.

4) Are there any books in the bedroom?

4. Запиши краткие ответы на вопросы.

1) Is there a bathroom in your flat? - Yes, there is. / No, there is not.

2) Is there a bed in your room? - Yes, there is. / No, there is not.

3) Are there any chairs in your room? - Yes, there are. / No, there are not.

4) Is there a fireplace in your living room? - Yes, there is. / No, there is not.

5) Are there any pictures in the hall? - Yes, there are. / No, there are not.

5. Прочитай, посмотри на рисунки и впиши недостающие слова.

Sam lives with his mother and his father in a small house. There is a bedroom, a living room, Sam`s room and a kitchen in the house. Sam`s room isn

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